Standard Triggers and Workflows
This section lists triggers and workflows that can be included, depending on your licences.
Custom workflows can be added to any trigger, including those that do not include a workflow by default.
The following sections include information on standard product triggers and workflows:

Application triggers allow you to perform activities within a module (for example: create or update an interview or enrolment).
You can add a bespoke workflow to any product trigger.
Application triggers are described in the following table.
Category | Trigger name | Initiated by... | Standard workflow |
Admin | Institution Setting Changed | A change to an institution setting in ebs: central. | - |
Organisation Saved InLine | An organisation added in ebs: central. | - | |
Applications | Application Created | An application added in ebs: central. | Send Application Confirmation Email |
Application Progress Code Saved Inline Event | An added or changed application progress code. | - | |
Application Updated | A change to the applicant's record in ebs: central. | - | |
Interview Cancelled | An interview is cancelled in the learner application. | Send Interview Cancellation Email | |
Interview Created/Updated | An interview is created or updated in the learner application. | Notify Learners and Staff About Interview V4 | |
Interview Updated | An interview is updated in the learner application. | - | |
Offer Printed | A request to print an offer is submitted in the Applications module. | - | |
Assessments | Assessments Saved Events | A change is made to Assessments on the Curriculum Details screen. | - |
Attempt Number Changed | The assessment attempt is updated in mark assessments in ebs: ontrack hub. | - | |
Awards | Award Child Grade Updated | An update to the Awards Manager module. | - |
Course Outcomes Saved Event | An update to the Outcomes screen. | - | |
Bulk Operations | Configure New Enrolment Data Pre Validation (inline) | A bulk enrolment is performed on the Learners page. | - |
Custom Button Click Inline Event | A submitted bulk operation. | - | |
Campaign Management | Publish Email Campaign | An email campaign is published in the Campaign Manager module. | Publish Email Campaign V4 |
Publish Phone Call Campaign | A phone campaign is published in the Campaign Manager module. | Publish Phone Call Campaign V4 | |
Publish Target Call | A target is validated in the Campaign Manager module. | Publish Target Call V4 | |
Review Email Campaign | An email campaign is reviewed in the Campaign Manager module. | Review Email Campaign V4 | |
Configurable Screens | Absence Table Event | A change is made to the absence record. | - |
Communication Log Event | Correspondence is generated from the Communications Log. | Send Outgoing Emails and SMSs v4 | |
Configurable Screen Event | A change is made to the custom log screen. | - | |
People Absence Inline Event | An absence record is created. | - | |
People HSLP Cases Table Event | A change is made to the People HSLP Cases record. | - | |
People HSLP Interventions Table Event | A change is made to the People HSLP Interventions record. | - | |
People Planned Absence Table Event | A change is made to the People Planned Absence record. | - | |
People School History Table Event | A change is made to the People School History record. | - | |
People Sickbay Inline Event | People Sickbay is added in the Screen Manager module. | - | |
People Sickbay Table Event | A change is made to the People Sickbay record. | - | |
People Travel Details Table Event | A change is made to the People Travel Details record. | - | |
Register Event Details Slots Table Event | A change is made to the Register Event Details Slots record. | - | |
Contact Management | Changed Conversation Status | The Status is updated on the Conversation/Call Details window. | Changed Conversation Status V4 |
Changed Training Need Status | The Training Needs tab is updated following an assessment by a member of staff. | - | |
Correspondence | Correspondence Email Batch Created | The Correspondence Wizard is used to create an email communication. | SendEmailsFromBatch |
Correspondence Sms Batch Created | The Correspondence Wizard is used to create an SMS communication. | SendSmsMessagesFromBatch | |
Curriculum | Course Completed (inline) | Course status set to INACTIVE in Curriculum Details. | - |
UI Columns Changed | Columns changed on the UIs tab in Curriculum Details. | - | |
UI Created | Item is added to the UIs tab in Curriculum Details. | - | |
UIO Active Places Now Available | An update to the UIs tab in Curriculum Details. | - | |
UIO Created | A Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO) is created. | - | |
UIO Learner SAG Report Notification | A UIO Learner SAG Report Notification is added. | - | |
UIO No Active Places Available | An update is made to a UIO record. | - | |
UIO Updated | An update is made to a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). | - | |
Update UIO Learning Aims | An update is made to UIO Learning Aims. | - | |
Curriculum Planner | Plan Calculations | A course is recalculated in Curriculum Planner. | Plan Calculation |
Digital Signatures | Document Signature Requested (Email) | The Request Document Signature (Email) is selected. | Document Signature Requested (Email) V1 |
Enquiries | Enquiry saved | An enquiry is added to the Enquiries module. | - |
Interview Created | An interview is added to the Interviews tab in the Applications module. | - | |
Interview Updated | An interview is updated on the Interviews tab in the Applications module. | - | |
Enrolments | Enrolment Completed | The Progress Code is updated on the enrolment record. | Enrolment Completed V4 |
Enrolment Created | An enrolment record is created for a learner in the Enrolments module. | Send New Enrolment SMS Notification V4 | |
Enrolment Created/Updated/Deleted | A learner's enrolment record is created, updated or deleted in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Enrolment Creating/Updating/Deleting (Inline) | A learner's enrolment record is created, updated or deleted, in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Enrolment Deleted | A learner's enrolment record is deleted in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Enrolment Updated | A learner's enrolment record is updated in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Enrolment Withdrawn | The Progress Code is changed to WITHDRAWN on the enrolment record. | Manage enrolment withdrawal cascading V4 | |
Waiver Created | A waiver is created in the Waivers section of the Enrolments module. | - | |
Waiver Updated | A waiver is updated in the Waivers section of the Enrolments module. | - | |
Withdrawal & Transfer Policy Saved (inline) | A change to a withdrawal or transfer in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Exams | Exam Entries Created | An exam is created on the Exam Entry Details screen in Exams Manager. | - |
Exam Entries Deleted | An exam is deleted on the Exam Entry Details screen in Exams Manager. | - | |
Exam Entries Updated | An exam is updated on the Exam Entry Details screen in Exams Manager. | - | |
Exam Entries Withdrawn | An exam is withdrawn on the Exam Entry Details screen in Exams Manager. | - | |
Exam Entry Saved InLine | An exam is created or updated on the Exam Entry Details screen in Exams Manager. | - | |
ILP | Learner ILP creation Trigger | An ILP is assigned to tutors to create individual copies of the ILP for each learner. | Learner ILP creation Trigger |
ILR | Run ILR Process | An ILR process is initiated from the ILR Processing screen. | Run ILR Process V4 |
Learner Portal | Application Created | An application is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | Send Application Confirmation Email |
Enquiry Created | An enquiry is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | Send Enquiry Confirmation Email | |
Enrolment Created | An enrolment is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | Send Enrolment Confirmation Email | |
Learner Created | A learner record is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | Send Learner Created Confirmation Email | |
Offer Updated | A learner's offer is altered in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | - | |
Learners | Learner Account Management | A change is made to the learner's account in the Learner module. | - |
Learner Fees Updated | Fees are updated in the Enrolments module. | - | |
Learner Send Email | An email is sent to a learner. | Send Learner Email | |
Learner Updated | The learner's account is updated in the Learner module. | - | |
LLWR | LLWR Processing Event | A process is initiated on the LLWR Processing screen. | - |
MIAP | MIAP LRS Synchronise | A data submission to MIAP LRS, is initiated from the MIAP LRS module in ebs: central. | MIAP LRS Synchronise V4 |
Ontrack | Progression Email Request | Request to send an email to the learner's tutor. | Send Progression Email V4 |
Register Changed | A register is altered. | - | |
Send Buzz | An Engage message is initiated for a learner. | Send Buzz To Learner V4 | |
Send Email | An email is sent to the learner. | Send Email to Learner V4 | |
Send Sms | An SMS message is sent to the learner. | Send Sms to Learner V4 | |
Payments | Create Invoice Portal | An invoice is created on the Payments ribbon. | Invoice Selected Fees V4 |
Credit Note Created (Inline) | A credit note is created. | - | |
Fee Created | A fee is added on the Payments ribbon. | - | |
Fee Created (Inline) | A fee is added on the Payments ribbon. |
- |
Fee Statement Requested | A fee statement is requested from the Enrolment Form - Statements in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. | - | |
Fee Updated | A fee is updated. | - | |
Fee Updated (inline) | A fee is updated. |
- |
Receipt Created | A receipt is added to the Receipts Details section of the Payments page. | - | |
Receipt Created (inline) | A receipt is added to the Receipts Details section of the Payments page. |
- |
Receipt Updated | A receipt is updated in the Receipts Details section of the Payments page. | - | |
Receipt Updated (inline) | A receipt is updated in the Receipts Details section of the Payments page. |
- |
Receipt Updated By Service | The Receipt REST service is used to pay fees. | - | |
Receipt Updated By Service (inline) | The Receipt REST service is used to pay fees. |
- |
Progressions | Agent Progressions Actioned | An enrolment progression is authorised or rejected on the Agent Progressions page in ebs: ontrack Hub. | Send Progression Actioned email V4 |
Enrolment Withdrawn or Transferred | The withdrawal or transferred policy is chosen on the Agent Progressions page in ebs: ontrack Hub. | - | |
Reporting | Email report | A report is emailed in either HTML or Plain Text format. | Email report V4 |
Print report | A report is printed from the Edit Report page. | Print Report V4 | |
954: Store Report | A report is saved on the Edit Report page. | Store a Report V4 | |
Rest | 1307: Rest Trigger | The Block Book REST service is initiated. | Rest Workflow V4 |
TimeTables | Timetable Change | A timetable is updated in ebs: shape. | - |
Update Late Arrival Roll Call | A timetable is updated in ebs: shape. | - |
InLine triggers are run immediately, bypassing the processing queue.

The workflows attached to the Application triggers are described in the following table.
Workflow name | Does this... |
Send Application Confirmation Email | Distributes a confirmation email to the applicant. |
Send Interview Cancellation Email | Distributes a confirmation email to the applicant. |
Notify Learners and Staff About Interview V4 | Distributes a confirmation email to the learner and staff members. |
Publish Email Campaign V4 | Distributes an email to the contacts included in the campaign. |
Publish Phone Call Campaign V4 | Updates the campaign's status. |
Publish Target Call V4 | Updates the campaign's validation status. |
Review Email Campaign V4 | Distributes an email to contacts included in the campaign review. |
Send Outgoing Emails and SMSs v4 | Distributes an email or SMS message. |
Changed Conversation Status V4 | Changes the status. Confirmation is distributed to the relevant recipients by email. |
SendEmailsFromBatch | Distributes an email to all relevant contacts or recipients. |
SendSmsMessagesFromBatch | Distributes an SMS message to all relevant contacts or recipients. |
Plan Calculation | Updates the curriculum plan record. |
Document Signature Requested (Email) V1 | Sends an email to the learner with the link to the report for them to sign. |
Enrolment Completed V4 | Updates the learner register. |
Send New Enrolment SMS Notification V4 | Sends an SMS message to a newly enrolled learner. |
Manage enrolment withdrawal cascading V4 | Notifies exam administrators of a withdrawal. |
Learner ILP creation Trigger | Create individual copies of the ILP for each learner. |
Run ILR Process V4 | Runs the selected ILR process. |
Send Application Confirmation Email | Sends an email to the learner, confirming the receipt of their application. |
Send Enquiry Confirmation Email | Sends an email to the learner, confirming the receipt of their enquiry. |
Send Enrolment Confirmation Email | Sends an email to the learner, confirming their enrolment. |
Send Learner Created Confirmation Email | Sends an email to the learner, confirming the creation of their learner record. |
Send Learner Email | Sends an email to the learner. |
MIAP LRS Synchronise V4 | Processes the data submission. |
Send Progression Email V4 | Sends an email to the learner's tutor. |
Send Buzz To Learner V4 | Sends an Engage message to the learner. |
Send Email to Learner V4 | Sends an email to the learner. |
Send Sms to Learner V4 | Sends an SMS message to the learner. |
Invoice Selected Fees V4 | Creates an invoice record. |
Send Progression Actioned email V4 | Logs that an email notification has been sent to a tutor. |
Email report V4 | Sends an email to the relevant recipient. |
Print Report V4 | Prints the report. |
Store a Report V4 | Saves the report. |
Rest Workflow V4 | Distributes an email to the relevant recipients. |

Application Validation triggers allow you to specify rules that can block an operation or display a warning message as an operation occurs (for example: create validation rules to block a learner from enrolling on a course with an age restriction).
You can add a bespoke workflow to any Application Validation trigger.
Application triggers are described in the following table.
Category | Trigger name | Initiated by... | Standard workflow |
Admin | Organisation Save Validation | An organisation record is saved. | - |
Applications | Application Save Validation | An application record is saved. | - |
Interview Validation Event | An interview record is saved. | - | |
Assessments | Assessments Validation Event | An assessment record is saved. |
- |
Validate Attainment Result | An attainment result is saved. | - | |
Awards | Course Outcomes Validation | Course outcomes are saved. | - |
Configurable Screens | Absence Deletion Validation Event | An absence record is deleted. | - |
Absence Table Validation Event | An absence is recorded. | - | |
Configurable Screen Validation Event | A configurable action occurs. | - | |
People HSLP Cases Table Validation Event | A change is made to the People HSLP Cases table. | - | |
People HSLP Interventions Table Validation Event | A change is made to the People HSLP Interventions table. | - | |
People Planned Absence Table Record Deletion Validation Event | A record is deleted from the People Planned Absence table. | - | |
People Planned Absence Table Validation Event | A change is made to the People Planned Absence table. | - | |
People School History Validation Event | A change is made to the People School History table. | - | |
People sickbay Table Validation Event | A change is made to the People Sickbay table. | - | |
People Travel Details Table Validation Event | A change is made to the People Travel Details table. | - | |
Register Event Details Slots Table Validation Event | A change is made to the Register Event Details Slots table. | - | |
Curriculum | UI Details Validation Event | UI details are updated. | - |
UIO Assessment Save Validation | A UIO assessment is saved. | - | |
UIO Details Validation Event | UIO details are updated. | - | |
Enrolments | Academic History Save Validation | Academic history is updated. | - |
Child Attached Save Validation | An attached child course is updated. | - | |
Enrolments Save Validation | An enrolment is updated. | - | |
Invoice Save Validation And Generation | An invoice is saved. | - | |
International | Accommodation Providers Save Validation | An accommodation provider is saved. | - |
Agents Save Validation | An agent is updated for an international learner. | - | |
Insurance Save Validation | Insurance is updated for an international learner. | - | |
Passport Save Validation | A passport is updated for an international learner. | - | |
Visa Save Validation | A visa is updated for an international learner. | - | |
Payments | Fee Save Validation | A payment fee is saved. | - |
Receipt Save Validation | A payment receipt is saved. | - |

System triggers relate to users of the system.
System triggers are described in the following table.
Category | Trigger name | Initiated by... | Standard workflow |
Edge Integration | Edge Integration Event | A change to the learner's record. | Sync Enquiries |
Edge Integration Event | A change to the learner's record. | Sync Application | |
Edge Integration Event | A change to the learner's record. | Sync Study Routes | |
Edge Integration Event | A change to the learner's record. | Sync Timetables | |
Edge Notification Event | A progress code is set on an application that matches the Notify of application offer when progress code matches institution setting. | Application Offer | |
Edge Notification Event | A progress code is set on an application that matches the Notify of application declined when progress code matches institution setting. | Application Declined | |
Edge Notification Event | An interview is created for the learner. | Interview Created | |
Edge Notification Event |
The Learner Group Management page is saved or The Register Event page is saved · or Deactivate is selected on the Register Event Slot Deactivation page or The Drop event is selected on the Timetable Grid or Delete Event is selected on the · Timetable Grid or Add Details is selected on the Timetable Grid or A New Register Event is created on the timetable or Drop Event is selected on the Timetable Overview or Delete Event is selected on the Timetable Overview· or Add Details (Product) is selected on the Timetable Overview or Add Details (Staff) is selected on the Timetable Overview or Add Details (Resource) is selected on the Timetable Overview or Add Details - Learner is selected on the Timetable Overview or OK button is selected on Timetable Roll Forward |
Timetable Change | |
Edge Notification Event | A grade is added to the learner's record. Status is viewed by a learner. | Outcome Results | |
Edge Notification Event | An assessment result is added to the learner's record. Status is viewed by a learner. | Assessment Results | |
Edge Notification Event | An exam entry is created for the learner. | Exam Entry Confirmed | |
Edge Notification Event |
An exam result is added to the learner's record. Synchronisation does not occur if Embargo is selected on the Board Occurrence screen. |
Exam Results | |
Integration | Integration Event | Synchronisation rules being met. | Integration Event V4 |
SIF Integration Event | Synchronisation rules being met. | SIF Integration Event V1 | |
SIF Integration Event Batch Inbound | Synchronisation rules being met. | - | |
SIF Integration Event Batch Outbound | Synchronisation rules being met. | - | |
Users | Task Created | A task list created on the Start Page of ebs: shape. | Workflow to create a task list task V4 |

The workflows attached to the System triggers are described in the following table.
Workflow name | Does this... |
Sync Enquiries | Generates a notification when an enquiry is deleted in ebs. |
Sync Application | Generates a notification when an application is deleted in ebs. |
Sync Study Routes | Generates a notification when an enrolment is deleted in ebs. |
Sync Timetables | Generates a notification when a timetable is updated in ebs: shape (for example: removing an event or moving the event's date, which may move it from the current 'window' of data synchronisation). |
Sync Prospectus | Generates a notification when an UIO is deleted in ebs. |
Application Offer | Generates a notification when an application is set to offer. |
Application Declined | Generates a notification when an application is set to declined. |
Interview Created | Generates a notification when an interview is created in ebs. |
Timetable Change | Generates a notification when a timetable is updated in ebs: shape and an communication is approved. |
Outcome Results | Generates a notification when a grade is recorded and the status is made available to the learner. |
Assessment Results | Generates a notification when a result is recorded and the status is made available to the learner. |
Exam Entry Confirmed |
Generates a notification when an exam entry is confirmed in ebs: central. This workflow is raised from ebs: central when an exam entry is confirmed (created via pending or details or updated via the grid or details). |
Exam Results |
Generates a notification when an embargo is removed from a board occurrence in ebs: central. This workflow is also raised from ebs: central when a board occurrence is updated to no longer be embargoed. |
Integration Event V4 | Synchronises integration event data. |
SIF Integration Event V1 | Synchronises SIF integration event data. |
Workflow to create a task list task V4 | Creates a task list. |
The following section includes information on standard schedule triggers and workflows:

Schedule triggers are automatically submitted to the queue at a specific date and time.
You can adjust the start time and frequency of scheduled triggers to suit your requirements.
Schedule triggers are described in the following table.
Category | Trigger name | Standard workflow |
A2C | A2C Exams - Disable transport layer for A2C Links that have not requested Centre Setup | Disable Exams Transport |
A2C Exams - Ping Awarding Organisations | Ping Awarding Organisations | |
A2C Exams - Process Incoming Messages | Process Incoming Messages | |
A2C Exams - Pull Messages from Awarding Organisations | Pull Messages form Awarding Organisations | |
A2C Exams - Push Messages to Awarding Organisations | Push Messages to Awarding Organisations | |
Edge Integration | Student View Upcoming Events Notification | Student View Upcoming Events Notification |
ILP All Data Sync | ILP All Data Sync | |
Missed Attendance, Late Attendance Notifications | Missed Attendance, Late Attendance Notifications | |
Prospectus All Data Sync | Prospectus All Data Sync | |
Student View Applications All Data Sync | Student View Applications All Data Sync | |
Student View Enquiries All Data Sync | Student View Applications All Data Sync | |
Student View Exams All Data Sync | Student View Exams All Data Sync | |
Student View Exams Delete Data Sync | Student View Exams Delete Data Sync | |
Student View Institution Info All Data Sync | Student View Institution Info All Data Sync | |
Student View Study Routes All Data Sync | Student View Study Routes All Data Sync | |
Student View Timetables All Data Sync | Student View Timetables All Data Sync | |
Users, Groups, Memberships Sync | Users, Groups, Memberships Sync | |
- | Cleanup the Learner portal basket of expired items | Remove Expired or Active enrolments for the learner portal Basket |
Delete unnamed bookings that are due to lapse | Delete unnamed bookings that are due to lapse | |
Canvas Export Every week day | Canvas Export | |
Learner Portal Re-engagement Email | Learner Portal Re-engagement Email | |
Purge workflow tracking data | Purge workflow tracking data V4 | |
Reset data for PASTORAL_GROUPS table | Reset PASTORAL_GROUPS table | |
Rollback uncommitted Basket Item Enrolments | Rollback unpaid Basket Items | |
1238: Run Award Completions | Run Award Completions V4 | |
Send Block Booking Reminder Emails | Email reminders | |
Send Instalment Reminder Text | Send instalment reminder V4 | |
Sync grades and points from exams to attainments | Exam > Attainments Sync Workflow |

The workflows attached to schedule triggers are described in the following table.
Workflows are automatically submitted to the queue at a date and time specified in the trigger.
Does this... | Does this... |
Student View Upcoming Events Notification | Sends a reminder email to the learner notifying of events (for example: exams, interview and so on) scheduled for the next day. |
ILP All Data Sync | Synchronises ILP data between ebs and Edge. |
Missed Attendance, Late Attendance Notifications | Synchronises all missed and late attendance notifications data between ebs and Edge. |
Prospectus All Data Sync | Synchronises all prospectus data between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Applications All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view applications documents between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Enquires All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view enquiries documents between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Exams All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view exam documents between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Exams Delete Data Sync | Ensures all exam documents are resent or deleted. |
Student View Institution Info All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view institution information data between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Study Routes All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view study routes documents between ebs and Edge. |
Student View Timetables All Data Sync | Synchronises all student view timetables documents between ebs and Edge. |
Users, Groups, Memberships Sync | Synchronises all learner profiles, staff profiles, course groups, tutor groups, prospective groups and group membership documents. |
Disable Exams Transport | Updates A2C exam board centres. |
Ping Awarding Organisations | Communicates with awarding organisations. |
Process Incoming Messages | Processes incoming messages. |
Pull Messages form Awarding Organisations | Retrieves messages from awarding organisations. |
Push Messages to Awarding Organisations | Distributes messages to awarding organisations. |
Remove Expired or Active enrolments for the learner portal Basket | Removes active or expired enrolments from the learner portal basket. |
Delete unnamed bookings that are due to lapse |
Removes unnamed bookings from a UIO once the default time (that is: as defined by the Default time for block booking enrolments to be named prior to course start date(days) institution setting) has elapsed and updates the statistics for the relevant UIO. The default time is overridden by the Name Block Bookings by (Days before Start) field on the Details tab of an UIO in Curriculum Details, if populated. |
Canvas Export | Exports the contents of the Export folder to a .CSV file. |
Learner Portal Re-engagement Email | Sends a re-engagement email to the learner. |
Purge workflow tracking data V4 | Purges workflow tracking data. |
Reset PASTORAL_GROUPS table | Purges the contents of the PASTORAL_GROUPS database table. |
Reset T_CACHE_STUDENTCIRCLE table | Removes data from the T_CACHE_STUDENTCIRCLE database table. |
Rollback unpaid Basket Items | Removes expired enrolments from the database. |
Run Award Completions V4 | Runs the awards completion process. |
Email reminders |
Sends a reminder email to the user marked as the primary contact of the organisation, where a block booking has been made and there are remaining unallocated places. Where a booking is made on a course that has a linked child or parent with mandatory enrolment, only one email will be sent to the employer for the booking. If the child and parent link is not mandatory, separate emails will be sent. The amount of time before the start of the course date that the email is sent is dependent on the Block booking allocate places reminder email (days prior to course start date) institution setting, unless the UIO has a value in the Name Block bookings by field. In this case, the institution setting is overridden by this value. If the institution setting and theName Block bookings by field for theUIO are both set to null or 0, then no emails will be sent. |
Send instalment reminder V4 | Sends an instalments reminder by SMS message to the relevant recipients. |
Exam > Attainments Sync Workflow | Synchronises examination grades and points to attainments. |